Goldhorse Complete Pellet
Goldhorse Complete Pellet
Base feed which is ideal for hobby and school horses, and it also can be a good fit for sport horses in rehabilitation.
Goldhorse Complete Pellet does not contain oat, so it also can be fed to horses with oat sensitivity. It can be mixed with additional oat or barley. The basic feed includes all of the essential vitamins, trace elements, minerals and amino acids. All of the ideal components to improve the overall condition and working ability of your horse.
The base feed made of entirely the best quality easily digestible cereals. It provides a good nutritional balance, improvement in condition and a general well-being for your horse.
cereals, hay, protein carriers, mill products, microelements and their organic compounds (organic bonding of copper, organic bonding of zinc, manganese, iodine, organic bonding of selenium, ferro, cobalt), macro elements, and their compounds (calcium, phosphorous, magnesium), vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, niacin, vitamin K), antioxidants, aminoacids (lysine, methionine, cysitine, threonine, tryptophane)
• DRY MATTER % 88,2
• CRUDE FAT % 2,6
• CRUDE FIBER % 8,55
• CRUDE ASH % 6,9
• DE MJ/KG 11,35
• LYSINE % 0,76
• VIT. A (E672) IU/KG 30.000
• VIT E (A-tokoferol) IU/KG 200
min. 250 g (maximum 500 g)/100 body weight kg daily, divided into 3 feedings.

General Feeding Suggestion
Concentrated horse feed should be divided into three doses on daily basis. Digesting big amounts of forage at once can increase the risk of the emergence of harmful fermentation processes. To avoid overloading the stomach please consider the feeding suggestions.
In case of the substance is mixed together with cereals (oat, barley, corn), the total weight of forage should not be more than the amount that is recommended in the feeding suggestions.
For 100 kgs of live weight the optimal amount of high quality of fibrous feed to be provided is minimum 1kg. The fibrous feed amount should be more in the evening than in the morning and the noon feeding.
Changing between different types of forage regularly needs a 6-7 days period.